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Veep.AI provides a solution to build, deploy and monetize your Vertical AI


Veep is a solution to deploy step by step AI within your company, service by service. It provides a AI feature catalog to enhance productivity and create value at the company level, not only individuals.

It is open source, so you can use your own architecture if you prefer.


Target Audience for AI


Veep is intended for 2 types of people:

  • AI experts who teach and deploy AI in businesses, regardless of their size, as AI increases productivity in all cases
  • AI users who wish and need to learn AI in the context of their business department or for personal reasons

AI Users

AI users can be:

  • AI learners
  • AI employees, regardless of their department
  • AI managers

AI Experts

AI experts can be:

  • AI teachers
  • AI developers or engineers
  • AI consultants in AI service providers or consulting services
  • Freelancers in AI

Generally, with Veep, AI experts teach on Veep so that AI learners, by the end of their training program, have a ready-to-use platform that they can enhance. Typically, they continue with their instructor who helps them inject AI into all departments, one by one.

Veep Architecture

Veep consists of 6 main parts:

  • Specification
  • Configuration
  • Execution
  • Editing
  • Publishing
  • Monitoring

Depending on your role, whether you are an AI expert or an AI user, these parts are interpreted differently. You can find more information in the What is Veep section.