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  • Browse the catalog
  • Duplicate an existing veeplet, possibly from the public catalog if yours is empty
  • Modify the information regarding the veeplet


Let's take a closer look at the previous steps.

Browse the catalog

Click on

Duplicate an existing veeplet

Modify the information regarding the veeplet


You can consult the list of available veeplets. A veeplet is a sequence of instructions that allows you to create content or a document in one or more steps.

Veeplets are categorized by genres and sub-genres. For example:

  • Communication/marketing: you will find veeplets that help create LinkedIn posts or blog articles
  • Cross-sectional: you will find veeplets that meet several types of needs, such as meeting minutes, summary sheets...

If you wish to use a veeplet, just click on Go!

Creating a veeplet

If you want to adapt a veeplet to your needs, you need to customize it, which will result in copying it to your workspace.

When you are on a veeplet and click on Customize, a form opens with all the information that characterizes it. If you click OK and then Save without making any changes, the veeplet will be copied as is to your workspace. It will therefore appear in the same category, with exactly the same titles, summaries...

Do not hesitate to modify the name, title, summary, and category of the veeplet. You can then configure the instructions provided to the AI to customize the generation of content and documents.

My content

You can view the list of content and documents you have generated. By clicking on a piece of content, you access the details of that content:

  • Aggregated content: this view compiles the generated elements as a whole.
  • Comparison view: this view allows you to compare 2 to 2 or 3 to 3 generated elements.
  • Edit content 1..n: these views allow you to edit and save the corresponding content. The aggregated view and the comparison view are based on these contents. They can subsequently serve as a basis for other generations.
  • Metadata: this view presents the source, corresponding to the transcript, as well as the prompt that was used to transform the content.


This menu provides access to documentation and all available resources (videos, etc.) to assist you.

The forums are accessible via your Google account. Feel free to select the category of your choice, starting with the language, and ask your question.


This menu provides access to your profile and preferences. It also allows you to log out.