The application allows configuring the necessary elements for its proper functioning.
The application enables the configuration of elements related to the business project, values to build the AI's memory, which it will rely on to generate relevant content.
Depending on whether you are using the application as a company, individual, or avatar, it allows you to input the following information:
- Values
- Editorial line
- Presentation (pitch)
- Marketing target (audience, persona)
- Content (themes you cover, preferred language...)
- Style
Brand, Individual, or Avatar Values
This section allows you to define who you are by detailing the values of the brand, individual, or avatar you wish to highlight:
- Values
- History
- Anecdotes
Filling out the form is somewhat tedious but necessary to provide the AI with the richest context possible to generate text aligned with these values. In a future version, it will be possible to fill out these elements using voice input to facilitate their entry.
Do not simply use a few words; instead, provide detailed examples that the AI might reuse. Choose them carefully, knowing that these elements should evolve with the changing positioning of the brand, individual, or avatar.
In social networks, brand capital is based on interactions between prospects and customers with company employees, which poses a problem when they leave the company. To avoid losing this capital, it is necessary that interactions occur with a permanent collaborator managed by the brand. This is an intermediary (or proxy), who will "act as" the intermediary. Thus, the main collaborators of the company will have a "proxy" interacting with the community, which does not prevent the collaborator from having their own account with their own interactions. However, global interactions (via communication campaigns, for example) must occur with the account of the intermediate managed by the company, so that the latter capitalizes on the contacts it will gain. Furthermore, being managed by AI, we can ensure that no one is forgotten.
This concept of avatar is now appearing on Facebook and is expected to generalize.
Presentation (Pitch)
For a company, the pitch summarizes the broad offer of the company, its reason for being. It is generally found in a business plan:
- Benefits for users
- Their pain points
- The solutions (products and services) you offer
- The advantages of your solutions over your competitors
As an individual or avatar, you can match and indicate:
- Gains for your interlocutor
- The problems of your interlocutor (for example, your employer)
- The solutions (skills) you bring to their problems
- The little extras that set you apart from others
This section consists of the following categories:
- Themes
- Role
- Genre
- Language
- Signature
They correspond to the themes on which the company, individual, or avatar specializes. This corresponds to the pillar pages of an SEO content strategy. They should not be too numerous; it is recommended to choose 2 to remain focused on the previously defined target.
They correspond to the different roles that can be assigned to the AI when executing the instructions it is asked to follow. For example, in the context of content creation, you might imagine creating the roles of author, proofreader, editor, editorial manager. Each of these roles will study the text created by the author and provide comments, with the editorial manager deciding whether to apply them or not.
Prompts explicitly reference the roles and allow the AI to step into a character's shoes, which avoids the need to specify all the context related to them.
The genre refers to the default genre to be used for content creation. Depending on the content, a different genre may be used.
The language corresponds to the primary language of communication.
The signature indicates the elements you want to see appear when creating content. It must adapt to the channel used. A signature is thus different depending on whether you are writing an email, a blog post, a LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook post...
This section consists of the following categories:
- The style itself
- Emojis
The style includes the following elements:
- Vocabulary
- Syntax
- Point of view
- Tone
- Structure
When providing content to the AI, Veep analyzes the style according to these 5 criteria to create content that respects these criteria, which helps give character to the content.
The use of specific words, their complexity, the extent of the vocabulary, and the use of jargon or slang greatly contribute to defining a writing style. Some authors may prefer simple and direct language, while others opt for more sophisticated or technical terms.
The vocabulary can take the following values:
- Limited
- Extensive
- Slang
- Evolved
- Common
- Technical
Syntax can take the following values:
- Simple
- Fluid
- Complex
This includes the length of sentences, the complexity of sentence construction, the use of short and incisive sentences or, conversely, long and fluid sentences. Syntax also influences the reading rhythm and how ideas are assembled.
Point of View
The point of view (or perspective) from which a story is told influences the writing style. The choice between first person, second person, or third person, omniscient or limited, changes how the story is presented and received.
The point of view can take the following values:
- I
- You
- He
- She
- They (singular, gender-neutral)
- We
- You (plural/formal)
- They (plural)
The tone reflects the author's attitude toward the subject and the readers. It can be formal, informal, humorous, serious, sarcastic, etc. The tone gives an emotional color to the text and helps establish a connection with the reader.
The tone can take the following values:
- Warm
- Cold
- Formal
- Informal
- Humorous
- Serious
- Solemn
- Sarcastic
The way a text is organized can define a writing style. This includes not only the overall structure of a work (e.g., chronological, non-linear, flashback) but also the structure of paragraphs and chapters. Coherence and clarity of structure contribute to the author's stylistic signature.
The structure can take the following values:
- Expository
Other elements can be configured:
- Content and document structure
- Navigation menus
Content and Document Structure
Some created elements like PDF documents or carousels have a similar structure:
- Cover page/first cover
- Intermediate pages
- Title pages
- Content pages
- Last page/back cover
This type of structure allows for the creation of:
- PDF documents (case studies, reports...)
- Carousels
The cover page consists of the following elements:
- Title
- Subtitle
- Metadata
- Author
- Organization
- Date
- Version number
- Background (color or image)
- Logo
- Profile photo
The last page or back cover consists of the following:
Document (with PDF export)
The document layout allows configuring the following elements:
- Header
- Footer
- Layout using CSS parameters (colors, margins, frames, fonts...)
The document layout allows configuring the following elements:
- Header
- Footer
- Layout using CSS parameters (colors, margins, frames, fonts...)
Carousel pages are...